Rules Regulations And Requirements
In Regards To
Your IKF Event
With Another Organization

Any request by any event promoter for any co-sanctioning of another organization with the IKF on any IKF event must be made a minimum of 45 days in advance to the event in question.
The IKF has the right to deny any co-sanctioning of any organization for any reason.
If co-sanctioning is granted, the event promoter must abide by the following rules and regulations as listed below.

  1. For any organization to be added to any IKF Sanctioned Event as an additional organization (Co-Sanction) the additional organization or the promoter will be required to pay a Co-Sanctioning Fee of *$200.00. This fee shall be charged to each additional organization added with the event. This fee shall be paid to the IKF upon sanctioning fee confirmation.
    • *Who (Promoter, a fighter, other organization etc.) pays this is not important to the IKF. This can sometimes be waived by the IKF if the IKF feels the addition of the other organization is any benefit to the IKF Organization or any of the fighters involved on the event.

  2. Whenever the letters, logo, emblem, name etc. of the IKF and any other organization appear in any print, the IKF Logo, name, letters, etc shall always appear in the dominate position of the listing as in;
    • The TOP.
    • To the LEFT.
    • FIRST in any print media.

  3. Whenever the letters, logo, emblem, name etc. of the IKF and any other organization appear in any print, the IKF logo, name, letters, etc shall always be printed the same size (Top to bottom) or larger than the additional organization but never smaller.

  4. Whenever the IKF name, whether in letters, or in whole as International Kickboxing Federation are ever verbally spoken in any media ad, press report etc. the IKF shall always be the first organization named.

  5. The event promoter must disclose in full, all payments made to the additional organization for all sanctioning fees, title belts, travel fees and any other fees related to the addition of the other organization.

  6. The event promoter must disclose in full, any payment made to them by the additional organization for the privilege to allow them to co-sanction their event with the IKF.

  7. No other organization shall be paid more in total sanctioning expenses than the IKF for sanctioning the event.

  8. Regardless of the additional organization, the event shall always be fought under the IKF *rules and regulations.
    • *This can sometimes be negotiated by the IKF if the IKF feels the addition of the other organizations rules are any benefit to the event itself or any of the fighters involved on the event.

  9. On a co-sanctioned event, the IKF President or Leading IKF Officer shall always be present as the IKF Event Representative.

  10. The Official Rules meeting shall always be given by the IKF event Representative.

  11. All Event *Officials must be approved and certified by the IKF.
    • *This can sometimes be negotiated by the IKF if the IKF feels the addition of the other organizations officials are any benefit to the IKF Organization, the event itself, the event promoter or any of the fighters involved on the event.

  12. The IKF Event Representative shall be the *Lead/Head Ringside Official-Authority during the event.
    • (*) For IKF Sanctioned bouts.

  13. The IKF Event Representative shall have final decision on all judgment calls.

  14. On any TITLE BELT awards, when the title belts are presented after the bout, the IKF belt shall always be the first belt awarded and shall be the only belt placed around the fighters waist. All other belts may be draped over the winning fighters shoulder.

  15. At Ringside, the IKF Event Representative and or IKF Event Scorekeeper shall always be the first to see all judges scorecards.

  16. The IKF Event Representative and scorekeeper shall be the only officials to deliver the final decision to the ring announcer.

  17. At the event, the IKF will always have preferred placement of any banners, posters, ring logos etc. over the additional organization(s).

  18. If there are no additional IKF banners, ads, ring logos etc. placed at the event, no other sanctioning organization logos, letters or names shall be visible to anyone in attendance.

  19. Unless the IKF charges fighter for any license or membership fees, No fighter shall pay any membership/license fees to any other sanctioning organization on an IKF co-sanctioned event.

  20. The IKF Event Representative shall always have first and final choice of placement of IKF officials at ringside.

  21. If the event is televised, (TV, Cable, Radio etc.) the IKF shall have lead rights with the event promoter for all taped footage. However, the IKF has the option to release all film/video/audio rights to the promoter.

  22. If the event is televised, (TV, Cable, Radio etc.) the IKF shall have first rights to all verbal or logo placement during the program. However, the IKF has the option to release all film/video/audio rights to the promoter.

  23. If the event is televised, (TV, Cable, Radio etc.) the event must be announced as "This event is Sanctioned by the IKF - International Kickboxing Federation."

  24. Additional terms and conditions may be applied by the IKF to any and all co-sanctioning agreements. These additional terms and conditions shall be determined once the IKF has all necessary information about the event.